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Aleksandrs Feigmanis,
historian, researcher,
contributing editor on Latvian family history.

The above are all the doctoral students of the
Theological faculty of Latvian University jumping on a hill near
Valga, Estonia. Aleks is second from the right.

Baltic Region Was called Russia 1890 to 1915. Cities now have
new non-Russian names. Ask me for the new name of your ancestral
town. My Rates are reasonable
If you have any questions at all about my fees or prices please
let me know. I want you to be happy and well served. I want your
repeat business and referrals. My clients are very
important to me.
Participate in Jews
of Latvia Project Names and Fates 1941 - 1945
Aleks on Facebook
Books For Sale
Cemeteries Tab
In-Stock Videos Tab
Unique Tour of Riga |

TRANSLATIONS: letters, documents, pictures
Yiddish, Russian, Lithuanian, Polish, Latvian
German, Polish, Hebrew, French, Estonian, Swedish.
Send orders to: aleksgen@balticgen.com
Let a Well Known Scholar based in Riga,
Latvia help you research your family history in the Baltic
Region. His breadth of expertise includes: Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania, Belarus, Russia and Poland. Service for probate of estates,
searches for living heirs, in Latvia and Estonia also available.
Voyage touristique en guide et historien francophon et les
genealogiques aux Pays Balts.

Let Me Be Your
Guide to Travel, Culture,
Family History in the Baltic States
As a Free
Service to My Clients and Future Clients I have just added a
free copy of the list
of Headstones in the German Cemeteries of
Riga, Latvia.
Verzeichnis der deutsche Grabsteinen in Riga, Lettland. Click on
Cemeteries Tab
to download the entire list.
As a Free
Service to My Clients and Future Clients I have just added a
free copy of the All Lithuania Jewish
Cemetery Lists. Click on
Cemeteries Tab
to download the entire list.
Check out the
Books For Sale. They are
excellent resources if either you or your group is interested in
the Jewish people who once lived in Latvia, Lithuania or
As a Free
Service to My Clients and Future Clients I offer you a free copy
of the All Latvia Jewish Cemetery Lists and I have just recently added Cemeteries in Belarus.
Click on Cemeteries Tab to
download the entire list.
New Information. If you
have had research done before in this region you should know
that there
is new information available. Contact me to check out a possible
Click on
Cemeteries Tab to see
the new Tukums and Krustpils Cemetery Lists.
Click on
In-Stock Videos Tab
to see listing of videos I have already prepared that might
include your ancestral village. Videos are now available in DVD format.
In order to promote tolerance and to fight
anti-Semitism in Latvia and in the world I wrote a book entitled
Latvian Jewish Intelligentsia - Victims of the Holocaust,
a Biographical Dictionary of 77 Latvian Musicians, Scientists,
Rabbis, Artists, Industrialists, Journalists, who became victims
of Nazi terror in 1941-1945.

This book will be distributed FREE
OF COST in the schools and Universities of Latvia. I can send an
English translation of the text of this publication as an
e-mail attachment to those interested.
Contact me and I will send you and email with a free
copy of the English version of the text.
Click Here to Contact Me
What I Deliver |
истории и доктор теологии с 25- летним опытом архивных
исследований, предлагает:
то есть исследование родословной Ваших предков- латышей, евреев,
литовцев, эстонцев, русских, белорусов, немцев, поляков- в
Латвии. Литве, Эстонии. России. Беларуси, Украине, Польше,
Германии, Скандинавских странах
в города и местечки Ваших предков в странах
Предлагаю УСЛУГИ ГИДА на русском,
иврите, латышском, английском, французском, немецком языках для
туристов и туристических фирм по маршруту
то есть поездки по доступным ценам в
заповедный сосновый лес на берегу Балтийского моря (150 км. от
Риги). Всего за один день Вы гарантировано восстановите
психические и физические силы Вашего организма благодаря
живительным силам нетронутой природы.
Вопросы ?
Звоните: +371-26416972
Click on Photo for Large Image

Aleks invites
you to travel to the XVIII Century to visit the Rundale Palace
70 KM from Riga

Rundale Castle the Versailles of the Baltic. A castle of Duke
of Kurland built in 1735-1784.

Aleks and US Tourists standing on the border between the
provinces of Courlande and Livonia 25 KM from Riga. Before 1795
this was the border between the Russian Empire and the State of